Moving, Horse Stall Mats, and Hand Dexterity
I’m one month away from uplifting my life in Toronto and relocating to PEC. As my last post suggested- YES! I can confirm, I have bitten off more than I can chew…
I’ve since had the pleasure of moving some of my larger belongings to the house. My couch, cedar chest, and a bike I coordinated moving with alongside some of the gym equipment I purchased such as spin bikes, squat racks, dumbbells, and kettlebells. I’d say all-in-all, moving was relatively simple, just time-consuming (9.5 total hours in transit) and I logged some serious kilometers (approx. 500km- return trip).
Prior to that, I also had to move horse stall mats into the gym. At 5′ x 7′, each sheet weighing in at 80 lbs (possibly heavier because of flimsiness) and 30 sheets to-boot, there was a new contender in the ring.
For anyone that’s had to move, it’s terrible. We try to find joy from it by bribing friends with pizza and beer, but when they arrive to find out there are about 30 boxes of books to move down 4 flights of stairs and up 2 more, there isn’t much left to romanticize about “seeing each other, again!”
Thankfully, I have the bestest of friends (and partner). Both moves happened on two separate weekends and both weekends I had help (thankfully). With over approx. 6,500 lbs in total to move, 5 sets of hands, and a willingness to work, sweat, and groan, we managed to move everything in, unpacked, assembled and staged.
Having good hand dexterity is synonymous to having good hand strength. Much like carrying capacity, grip strength is a good indicator of health (link).
I like the work and the challenge that’s ahead of this move. But I am always happy to get a few helping hands 🙂
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